Competitive Debate

The National Youth Summit is very excited to add competitive debate to its 2021 agenda. Incorporating debates between national high school teams adds an invaluable aspect to our mission of broadening the experiences of student leaders across the country and, indeed, the world. Competitive debate has been a part of schools’ curriculums for generations. It is an indispensable tool in helping students grasp subject matters, sparking interest in learning, teaching critical thinking, introducing and improving research skills, honing the ability to listen, synthesizing information, formulating thoughtful responses, instilling self-confidence, and increasing teamwork.

Led by David Trigaux, Director of the Washington Urban Debate League, and Sara Baker, Legislative and Policy Director of the American Civil Liberty Union, both former debaters, TheNYS World Conference debates will challenge participating high school students across the country to consider issues relevant to their lives. Over the course of eight weeks, selected teams from participating schools will engage in competitive debates via Zoom. Assuming that the pandemic allows safe gathering in Montgomery in October, 2021, the two final teams will join us in Montgomery for the final debate. The winning trophy will be presented on the lawn of the Alabama State Capitol. in Montgomery, Alabama

David Trigaux and Sara experience as debaters, along with their professional work, brings to the conference an exceptional vision for expanding the way NYSWC students learn.
Beginning in August 2021, debate teams will begin competing on the topic: Resolved: The United States federal government should enact substantial criminal justice reform in the United States in one or more of the following: forensic science, policing, sentencing.

David Trigaux
Executive Director
Washington Urban Debate League

Named “One of the Best” Local Non-Profits, D.C. Catalog of Philanthropy
Named 2017-2018 “Outstanding League,” National Association of Urban Debate Leagues (NAUDL)
Urban Debate Middle School National Champions (2019, 2020)

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Sara Baker
Legislative and policy director for the ACLU of Missouri.

As the new Deputy Chief of Staff for the Mayor of the City of St. Louis and former legislative and policy director for the ACLU of Missouri, Sara has extensive experience working with elected officials and community organizations on issues related to the rights of all Missourians.

WUDL is a non-profit dedicated to improving student outcomes through participation in competitive policy debate was created in 2014, by a group of former debaters who recognized a lack of high-quality debate programs in DC area public schools. What evolved from that revelation was a transformative educational experience that ignites learning and critical thinking in students previously available only in elite schools.

Since then, the WUDL has rapidly grown, serving thousands of students from public schools across D.C. and the surrounding areas along the way. We’ve taken students across the country to regional tournaments, worked with D.C. Public Schools to integrate debate instruction into the curriculum, and won regional and national awards.

Over the last five years, WUDL has collected the following accolades:

–Outstanding Urban Debate League (2017-2018) by the National Association of Urban Debate Leagues (NAUDL).

–“One Of The Best” local non-profits by the Greater Washington Catalog of Philanthropy (2018).

–Urban Debate Middle School National Champions (2018)

–Urban Debater of the Year (2019), and finalists (2016, 2019), by the NAUDL