Keisa Leprell is an Inspirational Speaker, Certified Life Coach, Philanthropist, Event Host, and Image Consultant who is passionate about giving women, men, and our youth choices to success and a purposeful life.

Keisa is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Be You Be Now™, The Leprell Group, LLC.  Honored to be featured as a Best Advice contributor and an Editorial Resource for the BestSelf Atlanta Magazine. After working over 13 years in Sales and Account Management building solid business relationships, consulting and as an advisor, Keisa now coaches corporate professionals, entrepreneurs, and mentees on how to achieve their desired success through workshops and one on one training.

Keisa’s vision is to help people transform from the inside to the out to become their greatest self through the inner power of spirituality, self-love, and style. She’s committed to supporting community initiatives and charities to assure women, men, and our youth who come from adverse circumstances are abundantly and equally served through her philanthropy work.

Workshop Title: Be You Be Now – Building Confidence and Dressing it up


How to Deal with Guilt –

Divorce: Guiding You Through the Tough Questions –

Websites – /

Podcast – Be You Be Now™ with Keisa Leprell